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Let’s face it: Few of us want to be friends with the spray-tanned, pouty-lipped Boob Queen.

Ah, the sexy selfie. Do you like people who splay out their toned flesh all over your Instagram and Facebook feeds? Or do you gawk, but secretly find them super annoying? Be honest.

I don’t know about you, but I think unless you’re some kind of model, actress, or other “professional attractive person,” there’s just no need to constantly show people how often you work out or how glossy your hair is. Once in awhile, sure. If you feel particularly great about how you look in a bikini today, more power to you. Dressed to the nines for an event? Great, show it off. But the constant bedroom mirror pics? Come on.

 In my book, this applies to guys and girls equally, but a new study published in the Psychology of Popular Media Culture focused on how damaging selfies can be to young women. It pretty much affirmed my opinion. Researchers found that girls who post pics of themselves in revealing outfits are considered less attractive by their female peers, both physically and socially. To test their findings, researchers set up a bunch of fake Facebook profiles showing girls wearing both revealing, low-cut dresses and normal jeans and tops. Participants were asked to rate the subjects based on physical attractiveness (“I think she is pretty”), social attractiveness (“I think she could be a friend of mine”), and task competence (“I have confidence in her ability to get a job done”) on a scale from 1 to 7.