Mid Day Motivation

Enormous advantage Your life is what you choose to make it. It cannot be any other way. Other people may give you things, experiences, attention and knowledge. Yet it is up to you to make meaning out of it all. What happens is significant because of what you do about it. The value of what […]

Delicious fulfillment You can make something of this day, so do it now. You can transform challenge into achievement, so go ahead and make it happen. Opportunity is not some free ride that is granted to just a lucky few. Opportunity is always there, available to anyone who is willing to work for it. Transforming […]

At peace with right now Choose to be in a beautiful place, right here, right now, just as you are. Make your experience beautiful simply by the way you choose to see life and to live it. There is nothing you need before you can have joy. Be joyful just because you can, and because […]

Beyond your needs Don’t let yourself be held back by what you think you need. Go ahead and do all you can with what you have. Sure, it might be nice to be further along on the road. Yet you are where you are, so go ahead and start moving ahead. What you see as […]

JUMP ON IT When you have an idea, jump on it and make it happen. The reason you have the idea is because you’re the person who can bring it to life. When there’s something that must be done, get busy and do it. Waiting until later will just make it more difficult, so be […]

Feel good at the core Life is increasingly filled with distractions, and they can be very compelling. Yet the distractions are not what bring fulfillment. Fulfillment, by its very definition, requires that you focus your energy and attention on what’s truly important to you. In order to fulfill your purpose, you must live with that […]

Choose the positive From the exact same situation, you can be frustrated or you can be inspired. Choose to be inspired. Whatever the circumstance, you can be filled with fear or you can be filled with love. Choose the positive energy of love. You can see the situation as a problem, or you can see […]

Often, honesty is not easy. Yet ultimately, honesty is much easier than dishonesty. Being dishonest is never worth the price you must pay. It is impossible to be truly at peace when you are living a lie. With each bit of dishonesty, you narrow your options. Eventually, you squeeze yourself into a corner from which […]

Your good life Live the good life you have, as it comes. Don’t be overly concerned about losing it, or obsessed with making it into something it’s not. Enjoy the goodness of your existence in a universe filled with abundance. Feel the sacred uniqueness of each moment and find joy in fulfilling the best possibilities. […]

The choice to lead True, effective leaders do not demand or proclaim or intimidate. They encourage, inspire and lead by example. True leaders become leaders not because of their titles, but because of their work. Real leaders have no need to make promises, because it is already obvious to everyone that they get results. The […]

Let the past go It’s okay that you’ve wasted some time. It’s not okay to continue doing so. There’s nothing wrong with the fact that you’ve made some mistakes. Now, take what you’ve learned from those mistakes and use it to make some progress. Quickly and fully forgive yourself for any shortcomings in the past. […]

Stop stopping Stop stopping yourself. Stop holding yourself back. Stop giving power to your limitations. Instead, give commitment, action and persistence to your best possibilities. Fear and anxiety are immensely compelling, yet you are even stronger. The inertia of complacency is powerful, and yet you can overcome it. Whatever may have been holding you back […]