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By Kathleen Doheny

WebMD Health News

Researchers found fast food may cause a person to be more impatient and desire instant gratification. In one experiment, researchers had two groups of college students stare at  the center of a computer screen while ignoring the outside corners. One group was asked to look at a computer screen with blank squares in the corners; the other group was to look at a computer screen with fast food logos flashing in the corners. After staring at the computer screens, both groups were to read specific passages. In the end, the students who were exposed to the logos had faster reading speeds.

In another experiment, participants were asked to think of a time when they had fast food or a time when they went grocery shopping. They were then asked to rate a list of items according to desirability. Half of the list contained time-saving products and the other half contained items that were not. The participants which were instructed to think about a time when they had fast food preferred the time-saving items more than the other group.

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