Congratulations are in order as Jharrel Jerome brought home the trophy for one of sixteen Emmy nominations that Ava DuVernay received for a film that’s success took even DuVernay by surprise. However some people were upset that they only won one out of sixteen nominations. ‘When They See Us’ casted a spotlight on the injustice handed to […]

Congratulations are in order!!  Ava DuVernay awakened the world with her masterfully done NETFLIX docu-series ‘When They See Us’, the story of 5 young men that were wrongfully convicted for the brutal rape of a Central Park jogger.  The media painted them the Central Park Five but God made them The Exonerated Five.  And for a […]

Thank’s to Ava DuVernay’s  docu-series streaming on Netflix ‘When They See Us’, we have been educated or for some reeducated about the story of the Central Park Five that as teenagers were accused, questioned without the presence of their parents then wrongfully convicted of raping and brutally beating a white woman in Central Park in […]