Looking for Love? Shed Your Stuff By GalTime Dating Expert Bobbi Palmer I know you are a fabulous, smart, accomplished woman who has created a good life for herself. You’re probably here, though, because there’s a missing piece. It’s likely that you’re still looking for love because there’s something standing splat in your way. And that something […]

Are ‘Progressive’ Relationships The New Normal? By SMF Marcus Osborne for GalTime.com There are plenty of celebrated relationship obstacles. We’re pretty aware of most of them, right? Money, religion, communication, race, class, national origin…all the greatest hits. And virtually every dating and relationship expert has offered up their best advice on navigating those choppy waters — and […]

Guys Love The Chase. They Do??! By SMF’s Marcus Osborne, for GalTime.com  Seriously, one of the more ridiculous pieces of advice I hear spun out to women with frightening regularity is “Play hard to get.” I’m certain you’ve heard these gems as well: “Keep him guessing.” “Don’t immediately return his call.” “Be a mystery.” Related: […]