It’s been a whirlwind week of news coming out of Baltimore surrounding the Freddie Gray case. In the latest development, embattled Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, who has been dealing with the fallout since Gray’s in-custody death and subsequent protests and riots in April, has announced that she has no further plans to seek re-election, the Baltimore […]

The language that has been used to shape the story of passionate Baltimore protestors has proved to be an offensive display of what the world thinks of them and honestly all Black people. During a press conference, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said these damning words:  “I’m a lifelong resident of Baltimore and too many people […]

It’s no secret. The word “thug” in the media has long been a euphemism for Black people, often used by those who fail to consider the marginalization and disenfranchisement of Black communities in the face of unrest, as seen in Baltimore as of late. So when CNN host Erin Burnett tried to justify the use […]