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Think of how you would want to be treated.

As children, we were told to treat others the way we want to be treated. If love is what you seek, treating others with love, kindness and respect will yield you the desires of your heart.  What you put out is what you get back and this is a universal law that stands true no matter what nationality, race or sex you are.  Always keep in mind how you treat people as you go about your day. An attitude of gratitude and a heart that pours out love will receive those things back 100 fold.

Use rose quartz. 

Rose quartz is a pink gemstone that is made naturally in the earth.  This gemstone holds the properties of adoration and the power to attract love into your life.  Native Americans and those in Eastern cultures have used gemstones for years for their natural powers and abilities, and many people use them today as a means of healing, protection and a source of attracting many different things into their lives. Rose quartz can be purchased from crystal shops around the globe or from websites that specialize in selling gemstones. Whether tumbled or in the raw form, this gorgeous stone has the power to draw love into one’s life.  It can be carried in a pocket, worn as a piece of jewelry or used during meditation while focusing on love.  Gemstones must be charged either in the sun or by burying them in soil in order to work, so before using the gemstone to attract love, use one of these practices to fully activate its natural powers.


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Glamazon Tyomi is a freelance writer, model and sex educator with a deeply rooted passion for spreading the message of sex positivity and encouraging the masses to embrace their sexuality. Her website,, reaches internationally as a source for advice and information for the sexually active/curious. Follow her on Twitter at @glamazontyomi.

Real Love: How To Attract More Of It  was originally published on

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