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BRILLIANT, Ohio – A fire caused by a dropped kerosene heater swept through a rural trailer home on Thursday, killing three young siblings, whose mother fell out a window trying to save them and couldn’t get back in, a sheriff said.

The heater had caught fire, and the mother was trying to carry it outside when she dropped it in the kitchen, causing fuel to spill and the fire to start spreading through the doublewide trailer just outside Brilliant, an Ohio River village 140 miles east of Columbus, Jefferson County Sheriff Fred Abdalla said.

The mother then stepped out a window, preparing to start lifting her children outside to safety, but fell out of the window and couldn’t get back inside because of the smoke and flames, the sheriff said.

The mother ran out to a rural road and was “hollering and screaming” until someone came by in a car and could call 911, the sheriff said. The emergency call came in just after noon, he said.