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Source: Victoria McGraw-@victoriasaidit / Radio One Digital

We live in a world where sex sells everything and we find people exposing themselves to get on or to get something out there not necessarily their body.  Now it seems that rapper Lizzo has joined the nude movement to put out her new track.

The 33 year old Grammy award winning rapper, Lizzo, has never been ashamed of the skin she is in.  Despite her size Lizzo has always dressed in ways to promote her sexy unapologetically.  Which is a beautiful thing.  Now Lizzo is pushing that envelope to tease a new track via her social media, and baby girl, in the words of the late Bernie Mac, is bucket naked.

If you love me… you love all of me. You dont get to pick and choose. We should be unconditionally loving of one another, starting with being unconditionally loving to ourselves. Take a moment today and think about the conditions we hold so tightly to that keep us from the freedom of true love. Do you really wanna be so tightly wound? Free yourself in love. You deserve it.
Song sounds hot, but the question is…is Lizzo doing too much?
Take a look and listen to Lizzo in the video below and give us your thoughts.
Sam Sylk Show with Bijou Star

Source: Radio One Digital