Black History Month

We all love Jay-Z and Kanye’s “N*ggas in Paris” even though most of us can only dream of the opulence they boast about in the catchy lyrics. Mos Def’s adopted an alter ago–Yasiin Bey and has released his version of the Watch The Throne hit, “N*ggas in Poorest.” I love the fact that Mos Def […]

Racism should be the least of our worries these days, but it’s not. It seems as if people are taking their personal opinions on black people and churning out their corniest racist insults. This is when sh*ts and giggles goes really wrong. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, especially within the comforts of their […]

Founded in 1967, the Black Stuntmen's Association was created to combat practices that denied black stuntmen the opportunity to perform in Hollywood productions. The group helped break the color barrier in the stuntman profession.

President Barack Obama and former first lady Laura Bush will celebrate the groundbreaking for a national museum showcasing black life. ...

Maya Angelou is, without a doubt, one of the nation's most revered authors.

The U.S. Postal Service is unveiling a commemorative Black Heritage stamp honoring publishing legend John H. Johnson.

The Obama and King families gaze up at the statue of Martin Luther King at the King Memorial on the National Mall

University Circle Inc. will provide a free shuttle bus to the participating institutions from 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday, January 16.

- Cleveland and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. were no strangers to each other.

In this shocking video, the story is told about how black babies were once used as alligator bait.  A curious historian traces the dark past to try to explain why black babies appeared on so many post cards with alligators chasing them.  The video is disturbing, but is a must-see when it comes to understanding […]

Thousands are expected to descend on Washington, D.C. for the dedication of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial.