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New research suggests that too much TV time might shorten your life. But not necessarily for the reason you might think. The study of more…

Meagan Good wasn’t always the marrying kind until she met her husband. To see Meagan now is to know that she is all about that wife life since she tied the knot with DeVon Franklin in 2012. It’s a huge change from how the Think Like A Man Too vixen once viewed the idea of […]

1. Foremost, Forgive Yourself Many people have slept together in the very early stages of a relationship and have continued to stay together. It is your reaction to the event that will determine the outcome, so no regretting or being too hard on yourself. Go straight to the mirror and say the famous Louise L. […]

The silent treatment is dangerous. According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, research finds “the demand-withdraw pattern to be one of the most damaging types of relationship conflict and one of the hardest patterns to break.” When people exhibit this pattern, communication, intimacy and relationship satisfaction plummet. People become less agreeable and conscientious and […]

The phenomenon is known as “mate copying,” and researchers already knew animals practiced it, but wanted to see if it played a role in human mate selection. “A man seeking a mate can get a lot of the information he needs just by observing his potential mate, but … females are not as superficial as […]

Being in love is one of the greatest feelings in the world, but contrary to popular belief, love doesn’t always last through the duration of…


TV personality, author and actress La La Anthony is proving that she’s in it for the long haul when it comes to her fitness. Last…


Thirty-two million adults in the United States cannot read, according to a recent U.S. Department of Education study. Of those thirty-two million adults, thirty-five percent…

  “How do I get rid of this belly fat?” This is easily one of the most common weight loss questions out there. In addition…

William Leonard Roberts II, better known by his stage name Rick Ross or “Ricky Rozay”, has topped the music charts with his own songs and…

Do guys want to get married? What holds them back? Guys get honest about getting married with us. Our parents did it, our grandparents did it — and it seems like every time you turn around, another one of your friends is taking the forever leap with the man or woman of their dreams. Marriage. […]