
Viola Desmond was a civil rights pioneer.

Members and descendants of the original 200-member congregation of the Salem Chapel BME church, the historic site where Harriet Tubman helped slaves flee the U.S., are fighting to keep history alive.

The three U.S. military troops killed in northwestern Africa on Wednesday were most likely ambushed by Al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorists.

The three U.S. military troops killed in northwestern Africa on Wednesday were most likely ambushed by Al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorists.

As president, Barack Obama traveled to over 51 countries. He has cemented his foreign relations legacy through his choice of official travel.


In an effort to ramp up the fight against the Islamic State, more than 50 State Department officials have signed an internal memo urging the Obama administration to carry out military strikes against Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad, according to CNN. The strikes against Assad’s regime would urge change in the only measure to defeat ISIS, writes […]

The World Health Organization declared the country Ebola-free on Tuesday after it went 42 days--the amount of time in two incubation cycles for the disease--without any reports of new infections, notes the news outlet.

Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai claims that Zimbabwe’s aging president Robert Mugabe has been replaced by his wife Grace in a "palace coup," reports the Mail & Guardian.

The Nigerian cities of Yola and Kano were rocked by two bomb blasts in 24 hours, killing dozens of people and wounding more than 120 others. One of the attacks involved an 11-year-old girl, the report says.

President Barack Obama on Monday pledged solidarity with France after explosives and gunfire killed more than 120 people last week in Paris in coordinated terror attacks claimed by ISIS.


Multiple people were killed in attacks across Paris Friday night.