
1. You can go to bed angry, and sometimes you should. 2. Your spouse cannot be your everything.  3. If you’re feeling heated, it can help to sit down and talk to each other about how you’re each feeling. 4. Sharing a bed (and a living space, for that matter) is hard….. Read More… Source: http://www.yourtango.com/201060099/7-things-i-wish-i-knew-way-marriage […]

Who knew? Fall is the season when the air gets crisp (sometimes even in Southern California), the nights start to get longer, and you can get almost anything pumpkin-flavored. Fall is a wonderful season. Fall or autumn, which ever you want to call the period between summer and winter, is a time when many couples […]

The research suggests that monogamy ain’t natural. Should we give up on long-term love? We asked readers: is infidelity more common these days, or are we just hearing about it more? Those who responded obviously have no misconceptions about the urge to cheat. In fact, they seem to be in unanimous agreement that on-the-side hanky-panky was […]

If He’s Doing These 6 Things, You’re Being Silently Abused | YourTango// 728)googletag.defineSlot(‘/7181/blogs/blog_lovebuzz’,[728,90],’ad-leaderboard’).addService(googletag.pubads()).setTargeting(“nid”,”260482″).setTargeting(“type”,”blog”).setTargeting(“name-url”,”node/260482″);if(window_w768)googletag.defineSlot(‘/7181/blogs/blog_lovebuzz’,[[160,600],[300,600]],’ad-skyscraper’).addService(googletag.pubads()).setTargeting(“nid”,”260482″).setTargeting(“type”,”blog”).setTargeting(“name-url”,”node/260482″);googletag.defineSlot(‘/7181/article_350′,[300,250],’ad-btf’).addService(googletag.pubads()).setTargeting(“nid”,”260482″).setTargeting(“type”,”blog”).setTargeting(“name-url”,”node/260482″);googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot(‘/7181/blogs/blog_lovebuzz’,’ad-oop’).addService(googletag.pubads()).setTargeting(“nid”,”260482″).setTargeting(“type”,”blog”).setTargeting(“name-url”,”node/260482″);if(window_w1e3)window.ad_photo_leaderboard_2_var=googletag.defineSlot(‘/7181/photo_leaderboard_2′,[728,90],’ad-photo-leaderboard-2’).addService(googletag.pubads()).setTargeting(“nid”,”260482″).setTargeting(“type”,”blog”).setTargeting(“name-url”,”node/260482″);googletag.enableServices()}); // ]]>// // // 1. His reaction to a situation is more terrifying than the situation itself. 2. He has full control of your finances. 3. He isolates you from your friends and family. 4. He makes you sexually uncomfortable…. Read More… […]

1. Making the duck face in ANY pictures. 2. Eating phallic foods suggestively. 3. Going WAY overboard with makeup. 4. Taking beach leg selfies…. Read More… Source: http://www.yourtango.com/2015278548/6-honest-men-reveal-sexy-things-women-do-that-arent-sexy What do you find sexy about a woman? Comment Below!

1. Change who I am. 2. Give up on my dreams. 3. Abandon my friends or family. 4. Be a doormat…. Read More… Source: http://www.yourtango.com/2015279024/i-would-do-anything-love-but-i-wont-do-this What is the most you’re willing to sacrifice for love? Comment Below!

1. Married people and people in committed relationships have less health problems.  2. People in relationships live longer. 3. People in serious relationships are happier. 4. Single people don’t sleep through the night. Read More… Source: http://www.yourtango.com/2015278937/5-weird-ways-being-single-is-harmful-to-your-health Do you believe being single can weaken your health? Comment Below!

If you’re going to take a trip with a new guy: 1. Do a gut check with yourself. Are you super comfortable with this person?… 2. Good to go? Stick to a long weekend—nothing more than three nights… 3. Make sure your expectations match up. If your idea of a weekend in Miami is… 4. […]

Obviously, back in the day the word sex was used mostly in biological terms—in other words, someone’s sex was male or female. “Sex,” according to the study, begins to appear in text in sexual terms in 1948, shortly after the Kinsey Institute released its initial reports on human sexuality. Even then, the word sex was […]

In the dating world, love and lust are two emotions that are often used interchangeably. Some people who are in lust think that they’re in love, but the truth is that love and lust are two completely different things. So while you think you may be head over heels in love with a guy, you […]