
Allegations that some of the country’s top selling wines contain dangerous levels of arsenic  – including Trader Joe’s “two buck Chuck” – were brought forth… CLEVELAND – A Consumer Reports’ investigation found troubling levels of arsenic in apple and grape juice a year ago. Now new tests by the organization have uncovered worrisome levels of arsenic in rice and in many products made from rice. Rice is a staple in many people’s diets. There’s white rice, brown rice, […]

Arsenic levels in some apple juice and grape juice samples tested higher than what’s considered safe, according to a study by Consumer Reports. The study found that 10 percent of the sampled juices contained arsenic levels higher than the 10 parts per billion regulation for drinking water set by the Food and Drug Administration, according […]

The nationally-syndicated “Dr. Oz Show” on Tuesday revealed what it called the results of a comprehensive investigative report on arsenic levels in store-bought apple juice. Their findings? That the arsenic levels in some brands made them unsafe for consumption. But the U.S. Food and Drug Administration refutes the show’s report and says drinking all brands […]