They’re back. T.I. and Tiny, the new Cosbys from the country, are back on VH1 with their own Southern-fried brand of family fun T.I. and…

Think you have a crazy family? Well in Terry McMillan’s 2001 book, while Viola is in the hospital recovering from a near-fatal asthma attack, she…

Many say the 1965 report predicted the implosion of the black family. Sociologist Herbert Gans disagrees. The oft-repeated tropes about the breakdown of the black family can be traced, in large part, to a 1965 Department of Labor report called The Negro Family: A Case for National Action, also known as the Moynihan Report.

I just spent the week in New Orleans, the powerbase for one of the most talented, powerful and destructive forces in the history of music: Lil Wayne. I’ve admittedly bopped my head to the tunes of Lil Wayne in the past, feeling the same guilt that any man might feel if he were to enjoy […]

Black women have emerged triumphant in May’s official unemployment data, with a decrease of 10 per cent in unemployment from 13.7 per cent in April to 12.4 per cent in May. Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics positioned black women as the strongest performing demographic in the decline of unemployment across race and gender categories. […]