WASHINGTON — With hours remaining to avert the so-called fiscal cliff, President Barack Obama said a deal is “within sight” and urged lawmakers to come together to avert automatic tax hikes and spending cuts that kick in on Tuesday. But his midday press conference, with a group of middle-class Americans looking on, was not without […]

WASHINGTON — The preliminary fiscal cliff deal being negotiated by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Vice President Joe Biden would achieve up to $790 billion in revenue over the next decade. Some of that money would be offset by extensions of tax credits and other stimulative policy, leaving roughly $715 billion in debt […]

WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid accused the House of Representatives Thursday of being a “dictatorship” — albeit an extremely poor one. Reid (D-Nev.) took to the Senate floor to declare his frustration with the other chamber as the deadline to deal with the so-called fiscal cliff rapidly approaches. Reid argued that House Speaker […]

CLEVELAND, OH (WOIO) – With the fiscal cliff looming dozens are protesting possible cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid here in Cleveland. A small group of protestors gathered at the free stamp to put the pressure on Washington. “The cuts are going to hurt the middle class families and we don’t need to see them,” […]

WASHINGTON — Dire headlines about the ongoing “fiscal cliff” debate might give the impression that the country is destined for a harrowing economic jolt. But buried in the stories and slightly visible behind the public posturing, signs are emerging that a deal is possible. House Republican leaders on Monday presented a plan to the White […]

Last week, AT&T launched an “It Can Wait” Campaign. Now this is not about whether or not you use their service, but are you willing…


More than 16,000 victims of domestic violence reach out to the local Domestic Violence and Child Advocacy Helpline each year. According to CEO Linda Johanek,…

When I see the evolution of the case of Trayvon Martin, the 17-year-old boy who was killed by a night watchman under suspicious circumstances, I am both impressed and concerned. I am impressed that the world has come together to find justice for Trayvon. His death will not be in vain; for, I am sure there is a legislator who will be able to more readily pass an important gun control law as a result of Trayvon’s sacrifice. His death may save quite a few lives.

This is too sad! An 11 year old girl in Indiana accidentally shot her 14 year old sister in the head with a shotgun while “playing CSI.” Cops say the incident happened Saturday morning while the two sisters were home alone. Thankfully the teen survived the gun shot and is recovering at the hospital, but her […]

Negotiated fidelity is next on the hot topic of behaviors. There’s been a lot of media attention for Holly Hill (aka Sugarbabe) a mistress-turned-author who says that our marriages would all be happier if women would just learn to accept infidelity.  I watched an episode of “Dr Phil” recently that discussed this phenomenon.  According to […]

Messages of good health and positive self-esteem for girls aren’t hard to come by in kid lit, so what’s the deal with all the attention for a not-yet-published rhyming picture book about an obese, unhappy 14-year-old named Maggie? Paul Kramer’s amateurish, self-published effort is recommended on Amazon for kids ages 4 to 8. This book […]

No matter where you live, there are now many online services that offer various rituals to help the newly divorced gain a better sense of closure. For example, WeddingRingCoffin.com sells a literal way to bury your past-placing your wedding ring contraband into a tiny coffin. There are a lot of funny symbolic breakup cakes available […]