Misery loves company.We have all that countless times in our lives. Actually the real version of it is  “Solamen miseris socios habuisse doloris.” Today is the day we stop embracing things like this. Today and every day after we  will begin at our best. Of course we have to begin at the beginning – that […]

As we reflect on “How To Make Lent 2011 The Best Ever” and  ” ‘Spring’ Into Action” we can also embrace a spiritual cleanse to spring clean our spirits. (Christianity.About.com) has provided 7 tips to learn how to spring clean your spirit. Spiritual Spring Cleaning How to Spring Clean Your Spirit While you’re cleaning out […]

I am sharing this from Shirley Johnson’s Facebook post: “The softest thing in the universe overcomes the hardest thing in the universe.” -Lao-tzu, “Tao te Ching” So often our society gives the word, “surrender” a negative connotation.  We are often taught the word, “surrender” through the context of war, sports and competition.  We are taught […]