A Los Angeles native is speaking out on the dangerous effects of birth control after she suffered a stroke at the age of 26, ABC reports. In…

Before accepting a new job, it is always important to inquire about and negotiate, what your health care benefits will be once you clear any probationary periods prior to your coverage kicking in. Assuming full employment will automatically yield full health care coverage for you, and your loved ones, may possibly lead to a rude […]

A high school heavy on abstinence is currently facing a chlamydia outbreak, the Huffington Post reports. Crane Independent School District located in Crane, Texas has seen 20…

No one wants to be lonely, but you probably didn’t know it’s actually bad for your health. Listen to the audio player to hear how…

All of Jeni’s Locations, including their Cleveland area store in Chagrin Falls, have temporarily shut down.   COLUMBUS, Ohio — In a release on its website, Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams has initiated a voluntary recall of all ice creams, frozen yogurts, sorbets, and ice cream sandwiches for all flavors and containers because of the possible […]

Studies show that African-Americans are not getting enough sleep — a health issue that has an adverse impact on our health.  Consistent lack of sleep can lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and heart disease. Regardless of income levels, sleep deprivation is taking its toll on the Black community. Amongst African-Americans in management positions, […]

Calling all insomniacs. Back in the day, I would fall asleep anywhere and in any position without any shame. But nowadays my relationship with slumber…

South Indiana is under major pressure to create a medical safety blanket after it was revealed Gov. Mike Pence would declare a health emergency over the…

That bad temper of yours could be affecting your health. Listen to the audio player to learn how anger could lead to an early heart…

Chocolate lover or not, indulging in this sweet treat on Valentine’s Day is a given. But here’s the deal, this year you can have not…

I’ve been sweating with my homeboy Joe for years and you should start hanging with my favorite workout partner too beauties. Coffee, also known as…