On Wednesday night, Matt Lauer quizzed both presidential nominees for NBC’s Commander-In-Chief Forum, but the evening was a colossal mess and a wasted opportunity. Lauer peppered Hillary Clinton with several questions — none of which forged into new territory — about her private email server. Clinton ended up admitting (again) that her use of the […]

CLEVELAND, Ohio– The Democratic Party’s presidential ticket was in Cleveland on this Labor Day 2016. Hillary Clinton and running mate Tim Kaine spoke at the 11th Congressional District’s Community Caucus Labor Day Festival, Monday afternoon. As Clinton took the stage, she struggled to speak after a coughing fit. She joked, “Every time I think about Trump, I get allergic.” […]

CLEVELAND – Democratic nominee for president Hillary Clinton and Sen. Tim Kaine will be in Cleveland Monday afternoon in a swing that takes her campaign from Pennsylvania through Michigan and Virginia. Clinton and Kaine will be at the Caucus Labor Day Festival in Luke Easter Park on Cleveland’s East Side to deliver speeches about Clinton’s […]

Another tweet showed her sporting blonde braids.   Pastor Mark Burns, a Black Trump surrogate, apologized for tweeting out two controversial photos of Hillary Clinton on Monday. One depicted her in Blackface, while the other showed her with blonde braids. The tweets accused Clinton of pandering to Black voters and set off a firestorm of reaction, only […]

“He is also eager to get a first-hand look at the impact of the devastating floods, hear from more officials about the response,” the White House says.   UPDATED: August 20, 9:02 AM EST: President Barack Obama is slated to visit Louisiana Tuesday after floods that “have killed at least 13 people and displaced tens […]

CLEVELAND– Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton appeared at a Cleveland high school on Wednesday. Clinton attacked Donald Trump’s plan to give tax breaks to the wealthy while at John Marshall High School. She also toured the building, which went through a $47 million renovation and reopened last year. “We’ve got to get the economy working for everybody, […]


Notable ESPN broadcaster John Saunders passed away at his house in Hastings-on-Hudson, New York on Wednesday.

Trump says Clinton would ” abolish, essentially abolish the Second Amendment,” which the former Secretary of State has denied ever saying.  Wilmington, North Carolina (CNN) Donald Trump said Tuesday that if Hillary Clinton gets to pick Supreme Court justices, there’s “nothing you can do, folks … although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is.” Trump’s […]


A new report illustrates major racial disparities when it comes to organ donations in the United States. According to the study conducted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 58 percent of individuals in the U.S. on the organ donation list are Black, Latino, and Asian. African-Americans account for 30 percent of that […]

See Hillary Clinton’s evolution from skirt-suits as First Lady to pantsuits as Senator, Secretary of State and 2016 Presidential Candidate.

Looks like the Trump campaign is bouncing from lie to lie. Do we know who the potential first lady Melania Trump is? That’s what a lot of Americans are wondering after Melania’s website mysteriously disappeared Wednesday when news sites questioned her college degree. It wouldn’t be the first blunder for Donald Trump‘s wife. Just a week ago, she […]