It seems like there's a new study out every week that aims to explain why we like what we like when it comes to who we want in our beds. A couple of findings have stuck around, becoming somewhat common knowledge-for example, men drooling over curves because they signal fertility, and women being suckers for masculine features like strong jaws because they're linked to health and virility.

It's pretty obvious that men and women communicate differently-that simple fact has been the basis for many a tired sitcom or rom com plot. But the gender divide in communication is an interesting one to explore, especially in terms of relationships. Tokii investigated these differences and found some surprising results (see infographic below) that are worth paying attention to if you'd like to keep your relationship (and your sex life) intact. Yeah, we thought that might grab your attention.

One of our favorite sites Shine posted a story that, in their words, ‘proves all women are nuts’. Researchers at a University in Virginia found that when women were presented with men who, from their Facebook profile, liked them, men who didn’t and men who couldn’t say either way, the women found themselves interested in the guys who didn’t like them. Yep, you read it right, ladies like the men that don’t like them. Great. My question is though; why do we like guys who don’t like us? Wouldn’t it be so much easier to like someone who actually liked you back?

If you're in marriage counseling, chances are you and your husband are doing most of the talking. But thanks to years of experience, your therapist has plenty of advice that she'd like to share with you, too. Read on to get expert insight on making the most of your sessions.

Office romance? If, like me, you're a fan of "The Office," you'll no doubt have been absorbed by the "will they or won't they" tension between Pam and Jim in early episodes of the show. And you might just have rejoiced when they started dating, moved in together, and finally got married.

A first impression was once a matter of rehearsed one-liners and the right pair of shoes. Now, it's down to a good profile picture and your last public tweet.

We can make our love lives whatever we want them to be. Right? Most of us have a hard time truly believing this. This is due to our faulty programming that has filled our minds with heaps of limiting beliefs. We look at our past relationship experience and use our failures and horrible exes as a framework for determining our future relationship successes. This is a very dangerous thing to do, because nothing that happened in the past holds any relevance to what is possible moving forward.

White lies -- we all tell them. It helps keep the peace, which in turn keeps us sane(ish). Big lies are bad though. They ruin people and relationships.

All couples will occasionally get into an argument. This is a very natural part of being in a committed relationship. But if you argue correctly, Dr. Drew's Lifechanger/Certified Life Coaches The Amazing Clarks say it can actually empower you to grow closer as a couple.

Confidence is one of the sexiest things about a woman. It shows that she has other character traits that men love -- the ability to stand up for herself, empowerment, good looks, and sassiness. Not only that, but confident women embrace their assertiveness over their own sexuality -- and they know what they want.

What he says and what he does can seem different, but Dr. Drew's Lifechanger Life Coach and Relationship Strategist Laura Baron knows that what he means is really all in his body language!