For whatever reason, people keep giving Gene Simmons, frontman of KISS and Arena Football co-owner, a forum to voice his inane ramblings. If you are looking to hear an obnoxious opinion on a topic, you can often look no further than Simmons to find 10. Newsweek prefaces their interview with Simmons by saying that he […]

Have you seen the latest cover of Newsweek? The issue, “What Silicon Valley Really Thinks Of Women” features an unassuming working woman who realizes her skirt is being lifted by an arrow. The message was loud and clear: women, even when in sophisticated and respected workplaces, like the infamous Silicon Valley, are ultimately undervalued in their work […]

Paranoia about Ebola making its way Stateside has caused many in the media to operate from the space of stupid. It’s not shocking, but no less frustrating.…

4 days after President Barack Obama affirmed his support of gay marriage on Good Morning America, the editors at Newsweek are ready to anoint him with a new title, “The First Gay President.” Oprah Winfrey has just been voted the most admired woman in America according to a poll conducted by Newsweek and their sister site The Daily Beast. Oprah, who garnered 25% of the votes, was not the only African American woman on the list. Americans also think very highly of First Lady Michelle Obama, who […]

In a Newsweek cover story titled “The Reinvention of the Reverend,” writers Allison Samuels and Jerry Adler give their perspective of  the “indefatigable” Al Sharpton. Read a snippet of the News Week article below If the Rev. Al Sharpton didn’t exist, he would have had to be invented. In fact, the novelist Tom Wolfe has […]

From The Wall Street Journal Like at a lot of publications, Newsweek was forced to start its week over when the earthquake hit Haiti.