They might all be part of the thin blue line while on the clock, but Black officers worry about their own well-being when they’re off-duty.…


Season’s Greetings NewsOne fam! There have been a lot of tough stories reported this past year and many of them may have left you feeling a little…


Black civilians in New York are not the only ones fearful of encounters with the police. Turns out, a number of Black New York Police…

You have to be a special kind of parasite to politicize death, but fortunately for those working in politics, media, and law enforcement such a strain can…

The Huffington Post is reporting that #BlackLivesMatter, the social movement formulated to protest against violence and oppression in the African American community, officially condemned the “senseless” killing of two New York Police Department officers. RELATED: UPDATE: Obama Reacts To Revenge Shooting Of Cops, While Political Firestorm Brews #MarchOn: Nonviolent Protests From Selma To Ferguson and Beyond After […]

An eight-minute-long video was uploaded onto YouTube on Wednesday showing New York City policemen, uniformed and plainclothes, roughing up three African-American minors. Based on that video, Officer John McDevitt has been…

In response to the nationwide protests over the grand jury’s decision not to indict white New York City police officer Daniel Pantaleo for the chokehold death…

Yahnick Martin (pictured) got sweet reparation from the New York City Police Department after they  mistakenly slapped him with cuffs, hauled him off to jail, and had him leave…

After a Staten Island grand jury on Wednesday decided to not indict New York Police Department officer in the death of Eric Garner, the unarmed Black man whose death while in a chokehold was captured on video, police officer Daniel Pantaleo tweeted his condolences:   However, Garner’s grieving widow Esaw was not having it. During a press conference at the National […]