Facebook may be hard to quit for a teenage girl, but as it turns out, cash is one powerful incentive. Boston father Paul Baier was able to lure his 14-year-old daughter off the social media site after offering a five-month, Facebook-free contract worth $200, CNN notes. Baier, a vice president of sustainability consulting and research […]

OHIO (WOIO) – If the State gets its way all of us will be paying more for our license plates and we’ll pay more often. People we talked to today say it seems like a money grab by the state. “I think it’s a good idea. Cause I see a lot of plates that are […]

WASHINGTON — A high-stakes, multi-layered game of chicken is underway in the Capitol, as House Republicans grapple with how to handle a fiscal cliff bill sent their way by an overwhelming bipartisan vote, even while it’s wildly unpopular within their conference. A vote that had been scheduled on the bill immediately to follow a conference-wide […]

WASHINGTON — The United States government will miss the end of the year deadline to resolve the so-called fiscal cliff, House Republicans conceded on Monday afternoon. The House of Representatives will adjourn December 31 without voting on a bill to delay the impending tax hikes and spending cuts that will take start to take place […]

WASHINGTON — With hours remaining to avert the so-called fiscal cliff, President Barack Obama said a deal is “within sight” and urged lawmakers to come together to avert automatic tax hikes and spending cuts that kick in on Tuesday. But his midday press conference, with a group of middle-class Americans looking on, was not without […]

WASHINGTON — The preliminary fiscal cliff deal being negotiated by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Vice President Joe Biden would achieve up to $790 billion in revenue over the next decade. Some of that money would be offset by extensions of tax credits and other stimulative policy, leaving roughly $715 billion in debt […]

WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid accused the House of Representatives Thursday of being a “dictatorship” — albeit an extremely poor one. Reid (D-Nev.) took to the Senate floor to declare his frustration with the other chamber as the deadline to deal with the so-called fiscal cliff rapidly approaches. Reid argued that House Speaker […]

CLEVELAND, OH (WOIO) – With the fiscal cliff looming dozens are protesting possible cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid here in Cleveland. A small group of protestors gathered at the free stamp to put the pressure on Washington. “The cuts are going to hurt the middle class families and we don’t need to see them,” […]

WASHINGTON — Dire headlines about the ongoing “fiscal cliff” debate might give the impression that the country is destined for a harrowing economic jolt. But buried in the stories and slightly visible behind the public posturing, signs are emerging that a deal is possible. House Republican leaders on Monday presented a plan to the White […]

CLEVELAND – Five fathers were indicted in Cuyahoga County for failing to pay a combined $81,779 in child support. Lebaron Pierce, 33, of Canton, owes $38,554.42 for his 13-year-old. He last made a $70 child support payment in May 2011. Albert Cornell, 52, of Euclid, owes $23,688.28 for his 15-year-old. Cornell last paid $100 in […]

CLEVELAND, OH (WOIO) – Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Bill Mason announced that nine defendants were indicted for failing to pay child support. The nine defendants owe a combined $266,152.88 in child support arrears. The charge of criminal non-support is a fifth degree felony which carries a maximum sentence of one year in prison. These indictments are […]

CLEVELAND, OH (WOIO) – 19 Action News has learned the first steps have been taken to merge the Cleveland Fire Department and ambulance service. The goal is to increase response time. Multiple sources tell 19 Action News the EMS Union voted overwhelmingly to allow firefighters, who are paramedics, to serve on ambulances. This hadn’t been done […]