WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid accused the House of Representatives Thursday of being a “dictatorship” — albeit an extremely poor one. Reid (D-Nev.) took to the Senate floor to declare his frustration with the other chamber as the deadline to deal with the so-called fiscal cliff rapidly approaches. Reid argued that House Speaker […]

President Barack Obama announced on Friday he is still “ready and willing” to get a package done to avert the fiscal cliff, the latest development in an ongoing battle to reach an agreement to avert the fiscal cliff before the new year. “As of today I am still ready and willing to get a comprehensive […]

President Barack Obama became emotional as he delivered remarks on the Newtown elementary school shooting Friday. “I offered Governor Malloy my condolences on behalf of the nation, and made it clear he will have every resource he needs to investigate,” Obama said, noting the country has had “too many of these tragedies in the last […]

CLEVELAND, OH (WOIO) – With the fiscal cliff looming dozens are protesting possible cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid here in Cleveland. A small group of protestors gathered at the free stamp to put the pressure on Washington. “The cuts are going to hurt the middle class families and we don’t need to see them,” […]

WASHINGTON — Dire headlines about the ongoing “fiscal cliff” debate might give the impression that the country is destined for a harrowing economic jolt. But buried in the stories and slightly visible behind the public posturing, signs are emerging that a deal is possible. House Republican leaders on Monday presented a plan to the White […]

A focus on global health seems to be a trait Mrs. Clinton shares with her husband. On Thursday, Hillary Clinton unveiled a new “blueprint” guide to wiping out the AIDS virus globally, and aiming for “an AIDS-free generation.” The President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief will focus on improving treatment and prevention worldwide. The secretary […]

Every time you think you’ve seen everything under the sun, regarding Republican antics over President Barack Obama’s re-election last week, someone else does something that takes the bellyaching to a whole other level. Enter Florida resident and sun-tanning store owner Henry Hamilton. What could possibly have happened this time? After Hamilton learned that Obama won […]

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama has rejected an idea put forward by House Speaker John Boehner and other Republicans to close unspecified tax loopholes in order to pay for extending all tax cuts as part of a deal to avoid the so-called fiscal cliff. Obama’s simple explanation: I won. “But when it comes to the […]

CLEVELAND, OH (WOIO) – Cleveland’s NAACP selected Rev. Hilton Smith as its president Sunday, making him the first new leader of the nation’s oldest civil rights group in 20 years. The 66-year old replaces attorney George Forbes, who resigned in April. Rev. Smith’s appointment will allow him to lead the Cleveland chapter which consists of 1,500 members. […]

CLEVELAND – Less than a week after the country voted Barack Obama as its returning president, the White House has been inundated with a string of petitions for state secession. The petitions, located on petitions.whitehouse.gov , typically follow the same phrasing, “We petition the Obama administration to peacefully grant the State of [Blank] to withdraw […]

Former GOP vice-presidential nominee and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) is blaming President Barack Obama’s win on his turnout in cities. In one of a series of first interviews following the loss by Ryan and Mitt Romney last Tuesday, Ryan told the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, “Well, he got turnout. The president should get credit for achieving record-breaking […]

Officials from Miami-Dade County say they have finished counting absentee ballots and will begin counting the county’s 2,800 provisional ballots on Thursday afternoon. Election officials worked overnight to finish counting the outstanding ballots – votes that are largely to blame for holding up the process of declaring a presidential winner in Florida. Penelope Townsley, supervisor […]