via EEWMagazine/Black History: Sam Cooke, the soul legend who wrote and sung the iconic civil rights anthem, “A Change is Gonna Come,” which was released posthumously, has a story as powerful as his music. Netflix’s “The Two Killings of Sam Cooke” is a must-watch original documentary, part of the digital platform’s “ReMastered” series. The documentary […]

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Black Music Month originated in 1979. Jimmy Carter proclaimed the month of June as Black Music Month to celebrate the wonderful music, the  achievements, births, important timelines, events and to remember those we lost.

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Black Music Month originated in 1979.  President Jimmy Carter proclaimed the month of June as Black Music Month to celebrate the wonderful music, the achievements, births, important timelines, events and to remember those we lost.

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Black Music Month originated in 1979.  President Jimmy Carter proclaimed the month of June as Black Music Month to celebrate the wonderful music, the achievements, births, important timelines, events and to remember those we lost.

Today The Praise 1300am Spotlight is shining on the Late Sam Cooke on what would have been his 85th Birthday…Here’s a brief bio: Born on…

soul (Middle English, from Old English sawol) – 1. the animating and vital principle in human beings, credited with the faculties of thought, actions and emotion and often conceived as an immaterial entity. 2. a sense of ethnic pride among African-Americans, expressed in areas such as language, social customs, religion and music.