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Are you suffering from a broken heart? Regardless of who did the breaking- if he ended it or if you came to the heart-wrenching realization that it’s not working, it never will… despite the fact that you know he’s your soul mate, that your body is electrified when it’s near him, that you fantasized about a life and kids and a white picket fence, and now… it’s over… getting over it and moving on can feel like an impossible feat. And you need help. And that’s when a Heartbreak Coach comes in. Yes, the same type of coach that Katy Perry reportedly hired when going through her breakup with Russell Brand

You need, what I call, a Breakover– a post breakup makeover.

A Breakover is a 12-Step Strategy that include:

1. Realize the reality of the relationship

-Which means that you have to also Face your contribution

2. Bummers with Benefits: What did you learn?

3. Write down why she/he’s an asshole

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