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During the autumn months, it is important to moisturize your skin every day. Consider lotions that are a bit heavier and allow for great hydration. The best time to apply your lotion is right after you’ve dried off after your shower or bath. After that shower, you can seal in the moisture that’s already been absorbed into your skin.

Put Your Skin On a Schedule

During autumn, there are great opportunities to spend quiet nights at home. Why not have a great beauty day or evening and apply a mask? If you choose an evening during the weekend to apply a hydrating mask, consider keeping that regimen for awhile. If you go and get facials, then get them on a standard day and try not to deviate if you can.

Sunscreen is Still a Must!

Just because the air is cool, it is not a green light to forgo the sunscreen. Your skin still needs to be shielded from the harmful rays from the sun and those rays are still harmful. A sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or greater is still a great choice.

Got Cuticle Oil?

During the fall months, air is dry and can even dry out your hands. Invest in a great hydrating oil that will lock in moisture and keep your hands looking soft and supple. Other great oils that can serve as cuticle oil can be olive oil and vitamin E oil.

Want more beauty tips? Click here to watch the video.

Health & Beauty: 6 Great Autumn Skin Care Tips  was originally published on

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