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2. Work out. Working out isn’t just for burning fat and toning muscles. It’s also a great way to release all that stressful frustration, anger and/or anxiety.

3. Start a food journal. Yes, it sounds like such a chore, at least at first, but writing down the food you eat truly is one of the most powerful tools around to help control eating and lose/maintain weight.

4. Ask for help. If possible, consult with a doctor or a dietician. Or, ask a friend or family member to help keep you on track.

5. Don’t forget your omega 3. When you’re in a chronic state of stress, cortisol (a hormone that helps regulate energy and maintains homeostasis) is released, which causes a state of chronic inflammation. Omega 3 is well-known for it’s anti-inflammatory properties.

Stress Eating: 5 Ways To Finally Beat It  was originally published on

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