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Women are nurturers by nature and men are natural problem solvers, but neither sex is an aficionado in sexuality naturally. Sexual skill has to be learned and education must be obtained in order for a couple to truly experience its fullest sexual potential. But what happens if a couple has reached a point when all of their known answers just don’t seem to cut it for the sexual issues within their dynamic?

Some write off the issues as lost causes and refrain from engaging in sexual activity while others decide to deflect the issues as if they do not exist. Sexuality is a sensitive subject for most because the subject touches on the very essence of man, and often when issues within the bedroom surface they draw out insecurities that can cause embarrassment.  It’s safe to say that the average couple doesn’t have the knowledge to remedy their sex issues on their own, however, many couples within the African American community rarely acknowledge the importance of seeking help outside of the home for issues about sexuality.

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The word “therapy” often evokes feelings of inadequacy and dysfunction in the mind of the average person of color, but it is a stigma that must be eradicated in order for couples who are dealing with sexual issues to move past detrimental blocks. Enlisting the help of an individual trained in how to work through sexual issues is just what is needed for the couple on the brink of destruction.  So how does one go about transforming their mind from a negative outlook on therapy to a positive one?

Take ownership of having limited knowledge.

We commonly believe that sexual knowledge comes natural, but in reality it doesn’t. Like anything else, acquiring sexual knowledge takes time and effort in seeking out valid educational sources. Taking ownership of a lack of knowledge is the first step in realizing help is needed.

MUST READ: How The ‘Romance Jar’ Can Spice Up Your Sex Life

Sex Therapy: It’s Not Taboo  was originally published on

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