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Source: Evgeniya Mukhitova / Getty

There is a theory that nobody wants to watch a news story about firefighters saving a kitten in a tree, but everybody is down to watch a story about murder, death, kill.  To go along with that theory peoples minds are geared to think the worst opposed to seeing the positive in something.

A teacher went viral for posting a video of his students removing his braids, which caused a viral stir on social media with some feeling the video/action wasn’t appropriate while some felt it was a kudos moment for him being able to reach kids.  Science teacher Jaq Lee @thilluminator has responded.

During a livestream that showed female students using combs and fingers to remove their teacher’s braids. It seemingly started with two girls, then progressed to about five max.  The science teacher explained that he had a hair appointment after school and asked four to five of his “best friends” to help with his braids during the last 10 minutes before dismissal.

The part the video didn’t capture was that these were well behaved that had completed all their work.  Jaq Lee explained that part of being an “effective” teacher is building “authentic relationships” with his students.

Jaq Lee who has posted many videos prior to this chronicling the school as well as students in a positive light had this to say as well:

“…if I was a female teacher, those people wouldn’t be in the comments saying, ‘Oh, this is weird, this is inappropriate.’ Because me personally, I know think there’s anything weird about this. People are saying ‘That’s too intimate.’ To me, it’s literally just hair. It doesn’t have to be weird. Some people have never had cool teachers and it shows.”

Take a look below and give us your thoughts.  Is it inappropriate or nah?

Sam Sylk Show with Bijou Star

Source: Radio One Digital