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6. Add spices. Curry, ginger, garlic, chili powder have tremendous anti-oxidant effects. Translation: certain spices can help fight certain kinds of cancer. Experts also suggest that you buy your spices in small quantities (since they usually keep their flavor for only 6 to 12 months) and that you go to a store where there’s a frequent turnover of spices – for maximum freshness.

7. Eat fish twice a week. Fatty fish like tuna and salmon help fight inflammation in your body. That can help people with rheumatoid arthritis. These fish also have omega-3 acids, which help battle inflammation and cancer.

8. Stop when you’re full. Don’t feel that you have to gobble up every bit of food in front of you. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 “starving” and 10 “Thanksgiving full”, most of your meals should have you feeling about at  5 or 6.

9. Get colorful. Focus on boldly colored fruits and vegetables: red, like peppers and apples; yellow, like bananas; violet, like eggplant. All these are a great source of antioxidants.

Yes, healthy eating can be a challenge sometimes, but with the above expert tips, there are healthy ways to eat right (and deliciously) and lose weight.


Diet Secrets The Experts Want You To Know  was originally published on

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