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High School Students Walking in a Hallway

Source: Andy Sotiriou / Getty

Schools have been closed down since March due to the Coronavirus pandemic, with COVID-19 peaking in a lot of states and the new school year approaching many parents, administrators, teachers and politicians have been wondering what exactly opening schools back up would look like, hence the debate in a lot of school districts as to weather they will open their doors of start virtually.

A High School in Georgia made the decision to open their doors to have students attend live in session classes, Georgia High School student Hannah Watters decided to show others what the first day of school did in fact look like, ironically with little masks and darn near zero social distancing, by taking a picture and posting it on her social media.

The picture went viral and young Hannah’s Georgia High School decided to reward her for the picture going viral by suspending her.  A suspension that has many raising their eyebrows.

UPDATE:  The Georgia High school has now rescinded the students suspension. 

Check out the video below

Sam Sylk Show with Bijou Star

Source: Radio One Digital