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Workout Wednesday

Source: Tracey Brown / Canva

Welcome to The Sam Sylk Show with Bijou Star Workout Wednesday with Tracey Brown!

Each week personal trainer Tracey M Brown will show us the best practices, tips, and tricks to a good, positive, fit lifestyle.

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This week Tracey Brown is getting us together with Recovery/Active exercises.

Take 15 mins to recover your body

*Starting off with Standing Arm circles /Windmill – forward and backwards

⁃ Shoulder Press- raising arms overhead, relax your neck and pull ears from shoulders as you allow the arms to flow

*BirdDog – on all fours, extend one leg and opposite arm straight, then bring both in do the elbow meets the knee. Exhale, release and repeat on opposite side

⁃ Fire Hydrant- on all fours, bring navel into spine, with flat back, hands pressing into ground. Open bent knee out to the side of your body without twisting your torso. Bring it back in and repeat. Both sides.

⁃ Straight leg kickback – still on all fours, drive your bent knee in toward chest and extend leg out towards back of the room, squeeze your glute . Both sides

⁃ Cobra – lie flat on stomach, hands beside your chest, extend elbow straight and lift chest off floor, sending your head to the back of the room. Feeling the stretch in your core, but leaving your pelvis on ground.

-Do this for both right and left side of your body. Turning your head each way as you look at your feet.

⁃ On all fours , now sit up pushing your butt to sit on your heels, placing hands behind you to get a good stretch in your quadriceps. Take it back as far as your comfort level

-Now lean forward and rest your head on your knees or to floor with your hands hugging your legs.

⁃ Standing Bent Knee stretch- bend leg behind you and with opposite hand grab ankle and pull up BUT PUSH YOUR HAND AWAY FROM YOUR LEG TO ADD RESISTANCE.  Both sides

⁃ Standing Sur Squats with  calf raise – squat and on the return up come up on your toes and back down.

⁃ ENDING!!! Hands out to your sides and let the body roll in the opposite direction your hips are rolling!!!

FEEL GOOD!!! Rest, Repeat

Check out the tutorial video below

Sam Sylk Show with Bijou Star

Source: Radio One Digital