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NY Stock Exchange Opens One Day After Stalled Trading And Major Losses

Source: Spencer Platt / Getty

Morning, gorgeous. I hope your day has been going well so far! Here are the biggest stories on the web today.

NYSE, United Airlines & In Recovery Today After Massive Digital Shortages

The concurrent outages yesterday at the main stock exchange as well as some of the largest finance news publications and airlines have led some to believe there have been coordinated hacking attacks involved. Government and corporate officials, however, say that the technical issues could be attributed to more mundane reasons, i.e. a failed software upgrade. Ultimately, people are now concerned about how vulnerable some of the world’s most important corporate and financial institutions are to infiltrators and malfunctions. Read more at the LA Times.

Almost 8K Jobs At Microsoft Cut From Dwindling Phone Business

The latest batch of layoffs at Microsoft is causing a lot of grief in Finland, a country that houses 66 percent of Microsoft’s employees. In addition to the 18,000 workers Microsoft claimed would be laid off last year, now another 7,800 are being let go after the company has been struggling in its phone business behind its competitors, Apple and Google. The company’s layoffs aren’t terribly surprising, given Microsoft’s late start in the smartphone industry. Read more at the Huffington Post.

Survey Shows Most Girls In Juvenile System Have A Past Of Sexual Or Physical Abuse

A study by the Human Rights Project for Girls, a research organization affiliated with the Georgetown Law Center on Poverty and Inequality as well as the Ms. Foundation for Women is now urging law enforcement to stop arresting girls on prostitution charges after being sexually trafficked. The study claims that 80 percent of girls in the juvenile system have experienced forms of physical or sexual abuse and that the system does not have the resources to acknowledge and address these issues. Read more at the New York Times.

China Struggles Through Economic Issues After Stock Market Plunges

China is undergoing its own austerity measures in stock market selling as the stocks have recently plummeted. Companies’ shares in the country were suspended amid the confusion and now the Securities Regulatory Commission has barred people with over five percent of a company’s shares to reduce their holdings within the next six months to regulate the market. Read more at The Guardian.

Washington Football Team Lose Their Trademark After Legal Battle With Native American Activists

A federal judge has just called for the cancellation of the Washington Washington Football Team’s trademark. The NFL team can still use the name and sell its merchandise, but it no longer has protection from other entrepreneurs that want to use the name as well. The owner of the team, Dan Snyder, has claimed that he still won’t change the name despite complaints that it is offensive to Native Americans. Activists like Amanda Blackhorse who waged war against the name call this a “huge victory” but the decision isn’t active just yet; the team can still go through rounds of the appeals process in federal court. Read more at the Washington Post.


South Carolina House Strikes Down Confederate Flag

Texas Wipes KKK & Slavery From Textbooks

Lesson Unlearned? Paula Deen In Hot Water For Posting Photo Of Son In Brownface

Morning Beautiful: Trading Resumes At NYSE After System Glitch & More  was originally published on