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It’s scary enough that you hear about random mass-shootings, so you kind of keep your head on a swivel no matter what time of day you go out, or where you got.  Now it seems you don’t only have to watch out for teens through adults, as it’s being reported that a 2 year old fired a gun off in a Walmart.

The mother of a 2 year old has been arrested following her child firing a gun inside of a Walmart store in Columbus, OH.

At around 11 a.m. at a Walmart store in Columbus, OH a 2-year-old boy reached into his mother’s purse, grabbed her handgun and accidentally fired.  Thank God no one was injured from the gun shot as the bullet hit the ceiling, however the toddler was injured by the recoil of the gun and to be taken to an urgent before being released to a guardian. The 2 year olds mother, who police have not identify, was taken into custody and charged with endangering children.

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Source: Radio One Digital