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For four hours this past weekend we finally got the answer to Wendy Williams famous question “How you Doin”, and sadly no matter whether you were a fan of Wendy Williams or not you couldn’t help to feel sad for the woman that had ruled New York radio waves then national television with her daytime talk show ‘The Wendy Williams Show”.

‘Where Is Wendy Williams?’ the 2 day docuseries that aired on Lifetime, provided some answers as to how Wendy Williams is doing following her not returning to the ‘Wendy Williams Show’, but it also has raised many more questions with all of them starting with WTH!?  As well as people feeling that many are taking advantage of Wendy including the producers of ‘Where Is Wendy Williams?’

The producers of ‘Where Is Wendy Williams?’ are now explaining themselves.

eOne producer Mark Ford along with executive producer Erica Hanson and Lifetime’s Brie Miranda Bryant sat down with The Hollywood Reporter via Zoom to discuss why they continued to film Wendy’s deteriorating mental condition and what they’re hoping to accomplish by releasing the footage.

MARK FORD It really began as a conversation between Wendy’s manager, Will Selby, and our head of development, Pat Lambert. I think Pat reached out to Will about doing another documentary with Wendy — because we were the producers of [Lifetime’s 2021 doc] Wendy Williams: What a Mess!, along with Brie and Lifetime. It was supposed to be a documentary that would follow her journey back into her career doing a podcast. We thought it was a great idea, and we were hopeful that Wendy’s story would be redeeming and we’d be able to document this journey. But as we filmed, it became evident that this wasn’t really going to be a career comeback story, that this was going to be a deeper story, and that there was something ultimately disturbing going on in Wendy’s life.

Click here for complete Zoom interview with Ford along with executive producer Erica Hanson and Lifetime’s Brie Miranda Bryant.

Sam Sylk Show with Bijou Star

Source: Radio One Digital