
I do. I don’t.  I do, until I can’t anymore, then I DIVORCE! No, you don’t marry to get divorced.  Unfortunately, it remains a fact of life.  If you do find yourself in the midst of a divorce, please be sure to check out these tips, so you won’t make some of these crucial mistakes. […]

Gas Prices.. What? Almost $4.00.  Remember when $2.00 was high? Well here are some tips to keep $ in your pocket. Trade-in your gas guzzler for a fuel efficient vehicle.Consider that hybrids may take as long as 10 years to break even. Sure they get great mileage, but their initial cost is so much higher […]

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama says the economic recovery will stall if Congress can’t agree on spending cuts and avoid a government shutdown. The current budget expires next Friday. That means lawmakers must OK a new spending plan before the March 4 deadline to keep much of the government from running out of money and […]

The Republicans won a sweeping victory in last November’s election in Congress and in Governor races nationwide, it now seems that they’ve identified what they perceive to be America’s budget problem…. Working families and Unions. Forget the fact that Wall Street Bankrupted the State’s Pension funds with their reckless activities over the last several years, […]

After a great Dunk Contest last night, we all realize how exciting the NBA can be. However it seems as if the NBAPA and the Owners of the League’s franchises are headed towards a major standoff. Players are so worried that many major stars attended a meeting with the owners during the All Star weekend. […]

     DEBT FREE!  How great does that sound, say it with me, DEBT FREE! How would you feel if you were debt free… only having the necessities, i.e. mortgage, car payment… Wouldn’t that take a load off of your mind?  Well here are some ways to begin to KILL THAT DEBT! From putting spare […]

      Saving and investing wisely is not an easy achievement. How much do you need to save for retirement? Where should you put your money? There are thousands of financial advisors who offer differing opinions on these matters. But if there is one utterly clear maxim of saving for retirement it’s this: contribute […]

Source From Gerald L. Render, a 46-year-old advertising executive with Upscale Magazine in Marietta, Georgia, has claimed a $116 million Powerball jackpot nearly two weeks after the winning numbers were drawn. Lottery officials said Render came forward about a week ago. He said he is “thankful and humbled” by the winnings. Render selected the […]

African-Americans are increasingly seeking degrees and post-graduate education, especially online, and especially at for-profit colleges and universities. Overall, about 43 percent of the students at for-profit colleges are members of minority groups, with the University of Phoenix leading the way. It leads the country in number of bachelor’s degrees awarded to African-Americans and has reported […]

Good Debt vs. Bad Debt Debt is a concept as intricately intertwined with America these days as baseball, Mom and apple pie. The amount of personal debt in this country is ever-increasing, and a large part of the reason is that credit has never been easier to get. Whereas credit card issuers previously looked for […]