
According to experts, today’s hand-washing habits are disturbing. A recent study of hand-washing habits found only 5 percent of people washed their hands correctly after…

You probably seek out your own kind if: * You have an active dopamine system, meaning you are reward-driven, impulsive, and easily bored. * You have a seratonin-dominant system, meaning you’re more risk averse and sociable, tend to follow rules, and are habit-driven. You probably fall for opposites if: * You have a testosterone-dominant system […]

1. Why do dudes often have a tendency of going M.I.A. after a third date? If you’d rather play it old school, don’t call him, and let him come to you – if he likes you, he’ll make sure he calls you! But if it’s been too long, feel free to pick up the phone […]

A couple’s decision to live separate lives, rather than hit divorce court, may sound odd in a world where people seem less excited about getting married than ever — a recent report published by Pew Research shows barely half of U.S. adults are married and the median age for first marriages is at an all-time […]

Fitness and nutrition expert Lisa Lynn says it may be your metabolism that is sabotaging your best-laid plans to lose weight and boost your spirits.…


Carrick High School in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania planned to have a Trayvon Martin Day during homecoming week but canceled after parents voiced concern, reports CBS Pittsburgh.…

Your time together versus your time apart Sure, you love to get your own way—but it’s hard to have a happy relationship if you never let your partner have a say. Here’s the thing: Just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean you have to spend every minute together—you have friends and interests outside of your […]

Researchers studying 150 couples over a 20-year period have found a gene that predicts relationship success. More specifically, the gene variant predicts how much a person lets emotions affect their relationships. Those with two short alleles (Alleles? I just had a traumatic flashback to science class) tend to judge their relationships by their emotional swings. […]

This Saturday 10-12-13 is the most popular day of the year to marry. In fact, there are 24,100 couples on with that wedding date. That’s 200 more weddings than there were on the next most popular date of the year (which was June 1). Read More

They Think It’s Clean & Sexy: While Tom, 29, loves the openness of the area when it’s hassle-free. “I admit that at first I wasn’t into it but then I started dating a woman who got Brazilians every four weeks. We had sex regularly — and I really liked the cleanliness factor. I could go […]

Have I conducted scientific research to investigate this hypothesis? No, I have not. But I will share some anecdotal reasons why I, as a lady, would say that fall is really when we are in our sexual prime. It all starts with socks. Do you know what summer shoes mean for women? It means three […]

The act of taking a selfie, as is inherent in the name, is a documentation of self, an assertion of existence, an announcement that you are unafraid to take up space in the world. To young girls especially, who are socially conditioned to be nice, quiet, and compliant, that’s an important exercise. Saying to yourself, […]