
WASHINGTON — After initially keeping Richard Mourdock at arm’s length for his assertion that pregnancies produced by rape are intended by God, prominent Republicans rallied around the embattled Indiana Senate candidate. Top among them was Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), whose chances of taking over the Senate next year could be sunk by Mourdock’s […]

This morning, POTUS Barack Obama received a glowing endorsement from Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who described his policies as “solid.” For the second time, Colin Powell (who’s a registered Republican) endorsed POTUS Barack Obama saying, “I voted for him in 2008 and I plan to stick with him in 2012 and I’ll be voting […]

Thursday morning, Colin Powell told “CBS This Morning” why he is throwing his support behind President Barack Obama for a second term and not endorsing fellow Republican Mitt Romney on November 6. Using Monday’s final presidential debate as his touchstone, Powell grilled Romney for straying too far from his original foreign policy points as well as his economic plan.  I’m not comfortable with […]

All week, the businessman, television personality, conspiracy theorist, and all around messy stunt queen Donald Trump has been touting an “October surprise” about President Barack Obamathat would purportedly shake up the presidential campaign. Widespread speculation predictably and disappointedly followed. Douglas Kass, a financial adviser who appears on CNBC, claimed Trump had divorce papers filed by […]

WASHINGTON — Indiana GOP U.S. Senate candidate Richard Mourdock declared Tuesday night he opposes aborting pregnancies conceived in rape because “it is something that God intended to happen.” Debating Rep. Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.) in their final Senate race showdown, a questioner asked them and Libertarian candidate Andrew Horning to explain their views on abortion. All […]

(CNN) — Three debates down. Two weeks of campaigning to go. President Barack Obama put Republican challenger Mitt Romney on the defensive on foreign policy in the final presidential debate Monday night, with analysts and an immediate poll giving Obama the victory. With 15 days before the November 6 vote, the candidates now hit the […]

NEW YORK — If some conservatives could describe Mitt Romney’s performance during Monday night’s debate in only two words, it would be these: focus group. Throughout the night, they agreed, the Republican nominee seemed to be throwing out catchwords and phrases designed to appeal to the independent voters and women who might decide the election. […]

A Brazilian woman, Antonia Leticia Rovati Asti, gave birth for the first time on Tuesday — a week after turning 61. The late-life pregnancy was possible in part because of Dr. Orlando de Castro Neto, an assisted reproduction specialist. Now that the twins have been born, Neto thinks the new mother’s greatest challenge will be […]

“When I fell in love with Barack more than 20 years ago … I knew he shared my determination to make a difference in other…

“[Mitt Romney] will bring back the foreign policy of the 1980s, the social policy of the 1950s and the economic policy of the 1920s.” —…

BOCA RATON, Fla. — Rahm Emanuel has often told the story, when early in his days as White House chief of staff, he mused aloud to President Barack Obama about the tough hand they’d been dealt. “Sir, this would be a lot easier if you didn’t have a giant recession and two wars to deal […]