Live beyond it Don’t live with the disappointment. Live beyond it. You cannot stop what has already happened. However, you can let it make you stronger and more determined. Instead of dwelling on the pain or injustice of what has happened, imagine the best possible outcome. Then get busy moving yourself steadily and passionately toward […]

  What truly matters If the distractions are too compelling, then your goal is too small. To strengthen your focus, raise your ambitions. Make your purpose ten times more appealing than anything that could distract you. Make your goal so meaningful and compelling that nothing can compete with it for your time and attention. You […]

Do what you must do Achievement is a matter of putting your mind to it and focusing your actions on it. Anything is possible when you set your intention on making it happen. There are always plenty of reasons why you can’t get it done. Yet you can choose to do it anyway. You can […]

Think bigger To get beyond the challenges, get your mind above those challenges. Focus on the bigger picture. It’s all too easy to become obsessed with the problems at hand. Yet by choosing to rise above those problems, you can transform them into powerful opportunities. You are bigger and better than the difficult circumstances that […]

Choose to make it Don’t wait or wish for something to make it all better. Get busy improving and enhancing life in your own unique way. Don’t depend on someone else to tell you what to do or how to do it. Find real enjoyment and fulfillment by working your own way through life’s possibilities. […]

Keep building Small efforts that are repeated are far more powerful than big efforts that are made just once and then abandoned. Instead of hoping for a chance to make a big impact, take advantage of each opportunity you have to make a small impact. Time works in your favor when you work in your […]

Someday has never come Planning to do something later is exactly the same as not doing it. Putting off joy and fulfillment until later is the same as abandoning that joy and fulfillment. It’s easier to say you’ll do it later, but what that almost always means is that you’ll never get it done. Choose […]

Work for it The difference between what you want, and what you have, is what you do. The bridge that spans from desire to fulfillment is action. Every moment is an opportunity to act. The more of those momentary opportunities you make use of, the more quickly and richly your dreams will become real. It […]

Focus on the destination To get where you want to go, be flexible about how you get there. The path is never exactly the way you thought it would be. Achievement demands persistence, and yet being persistent is not the same as being stubborn. Achievement comes from being persistent and also flexible. It is impossible […]

Live positive Holding a grudge can get heavy and tiresome. Lighten your load by letting it go. Looking for someone to blame for what’s wrong takes time and effort away from doing what’s right. Do yourself and everyone else a favor, and put your energy into positive actions. Being envious of those who have more, […]

Go ahead and be When you fear failure you also fear success. To the degree that you fear, you do not function. Go ahead, get beyond the fear, and be. It’s not really that difficult. Go ahead and be. It’s natural and honest and true. There is no pain in being. The pain comes from […]

Rewarding action When you don’t feel like making the effort, that’s when making the effort will make the biggest difference for you. Instead of giving in to negative momentum, interrupt it. The best way to feel like doing it, is to do it. Step beyond your negative feelings and reward yourself with some positive action. […]