CLEVELAND, OH (WOIO) – A study shows that children are less likely to eat their fruits and vegetables if parents tell them about the health benefits. A Cleveland Clinic dietician, who did not participate in the study, shared her thoughts on the findings. “So, it’s an interesting take for parents to try these days. […]

Bananas were once thought of as an exotic fruit. For many of us, however, those bananas have become a apart of our diets and daily…


Cicely C. Mitchell– When it comes to health and wellness, you cannot find a better snack than an apple! Apples are packed with all kinds…

You are what you eat. So this could mean that eating satisfying-but-equally-bad-for-you foods may stand in the way of your beauty. Of course, beauty is supposedly skin deep, but if you’re still concerned about the skin that people actually see, you may want to watch the foods you put into your body. There are plenty of […]