Choosing heart healthy foods doesn’t mean that you can’t eat at restaurants or at social events. By keeping a few guidelines in mind, you can sit back and enjoy eating out!

Stress is much more than an emotion. It can put a physical strain on your heart or worsen other heart disease risk factors. Fortunately, there are ways to manage your stress and improve your health!

Show your heart some love and review these tips on how to reduce your risk for heart disease.

Enjoy these tips on eating healthy.. eating right.. eating to live, not living to eat.. we can also enjoy our favorites, but in moderation… Eat Healthy! Food, Nutrition and Health Tips from the American Dietetic Association 20 Ways to Enjoy More Fruits, Vegetables, Whole Grains and Dairy To get the most nutrition out of your […]

Make your heart happy! Eat healthy on the go or at home with snacks you and your heart will love!