It’s been five months since Tamir Rice – the 12-year-old gunned down by an Ohio police officer for playing with a toy gun – died, but the ongoing investigation into his death has produced no charges for the cop involved in the fatal shooting. The stalled investigation has not only taken an emotional toll on Tamir’s mother, […]

CLEVELAND, OH (WOIO) –Samaria Rice, the mother of Tamir Rice, along with her attorneys Benjamin L. Crump, Walter Madison and Daryl Parks, and Dr. R.A. Vernon are gathering Monday to talk about developments in the death investigation of the 12-year-old. The group will meet outside the Justice Center at noon. The latest news conference comes […]

The family attorney of the late Tamir Rice is calling out the city of Cleveland, along with police officials, after a court document was filed, that implied…

CLEVELAND, OH (WOIO) –Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson and Director of Law Barbara Langhenry apologized Monday after the release of the city’s answer to a federal lawsuit filed on behalf of Tamir Rice’s family. Mayor Jackson and Langhenry both issued apologies for the language used in that response, calling it insensitive and written in language used […]

After 12-year-old Tamir Rice was fatally shot by Cleveland Police Officer Timothy Loehmann last year while holding a pellet gun, the City of Cleveland is…

Incredibly, the City of Cleveland responded on Friday to a lawsuit filed by the family of 12-year-old Tamir Rice by saying he was responsible for his own demise. The boy was shot dead by cops while he held a pellet gun. Reports The city, in its response, wrote that Tamir’s death on Nov. 22 and all of […]

CLEVELAND – The mother of a Florida teen, whose death sparked a national debate, said here in Cleveland that more needs to be done to improve relations between police departments and the communities they serve. Sybrina Fulton spoke at the Cleveland Public Library. Back in 2012, her family was tragically thrust into the spotlight when […]

The family of the late Tamir Rice has filed an amended wrongful death lawsuit against Cleveland police officers involved in the 12-year-old child’s shooting death.…

The city of Cleveland is attempting to give the investigation of the shooting death of 12-year-old Tamir Rice to an outside agency. The Associated Press…

  CLEVELAND, OH (WOIO) – Samaria Rice, the mother of 12-year-old Tamir Rice, is renewing her call for peaceful demonstrations in wake of the mounting tension on policing and excessive force. Samaria, along with her attorney, Walter Madison, made the announcement at 1:30 p.m. at  The Greater Abyssinia Baptist Church on E. 105th Street. Tamir was fatally shot on […]