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SMH: Antoine Dodson’s Sex Offender Tracker Application

by Andreas Hale Posted Oct 26th 2010 9:00AM

Obviously trying to extend his fifteen minutes of fame, Antoine Dodson releases this commercial for a Sex Offender Tracker application. WTF is absolutely right.

it to capitalism to turn a bad joke into an abysmal disaster. Antoine Dodson wisely capitalized off the near sexual assault of his sister and became an overnight celebrity. One auto tuned viral hit later and Dodson is a household name-for all the wrong reasons. The latest in Dodson’s quest to remain relevant is this ridiculous video. Leave it to us to find five things messed up about Dodson’s new role as spokesman for a sex offender tracker app:

1. Antoine Dodson in costume

No literally, Antoine Dodson is in costume. Right in time for Halloween, you can cop your very own Dodson costume. Somebody get this man a button up and a Double Down. Would you buy anything from Laurence Fishburne dressed as Morpheus? Well you might, but that doesn’t mean you should buy anything from Dodson dressed as Dodson.

2. We have no idea what this application actually does (:20)

Outside of the fact that this looks like an attempt to fleece $1.99 from people who have money to burn, what does this app actually do? The screen shots look like something taken from a military related board game commercial. Disappointment set in when Antoine didn’t yell out, “you sank my battleship!”

3. The Wikipedia sighting (:49)

Seriously, if you want to protect your loved ones from sex offenders, are you going to trust anything coming from Wikipedia as a source? This deserves no further commentary.

4. “Now you can run and tell that” (1:08)

There’s perhaps no other clue that the joke is on Dodson than the closing moments of this abomination commercial. Anonymous announcer guy tells us to fork over two bucks so we too can “run and tell that.” Earth to Antoine-they’re not laughing with you. The only thing missing is somebody telling us that we’re watching UBN.

5. Dodson as a caricature of himself

This would have been hilarious as a Saturday Night Live parody. The fact that this is all very real is just deeply disturbing on a number of levels. Sexual assault is serious and any substantial conversation on prevention is hampered when the first thing people think of is the reincarnation of MC Gusto. To add insult to injury, Dodson-though not the most eloquent speaker-doesn’t even talk like this regularly, as evidenced by this interview on NPR.