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Daily SMH: Man Puts Woman Into A Coma Over A Parking Space

by Andreas Hale Posted Mar 7th 2011 1:57PM

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Oscar Fuller beats Lana Rosas into a coma over a parking space in East Village, NY. His reason for knocking her smooth out? Reflexes.

You’ve known the rule since you were a child: “Never put your hands on a woman under any circumstances.”

Apparently, Oscar Fuller didn’t get the memo.

Fuller assaulted Lana Rosas because she was standing in a parking space in an attempt to save it for her boyfriend. Prosecutors charge that Fuller, who is 5’7″ and 150 lbs, hit the 4’11”, 100 lbs Rosas so hard that she “flew off her feet” and her head hit the ground so hard that she immediately slipped into a coma.

How exactly did it get to that point?

Fuller says that he was acting in “self-defense” and says that he stepped out of his vehicle and “calmly” asked Rosas to move from the space so he could park his car. He then says that Rosas hit him in the face “four or five times.” For what reason? We have no idea. She just hauled off and socked him. That sounds about normal right?

As the situation escalated, Fuller says he saw Rosas’ boyfriend, Joseph Oliver, jump out of his car and headed in the direction of Fuller. So what does he do? The only thing he could think to do — punch Rosas in the face, hop in his car and speed off.

“I saw a guy running toward me,” Fuller said according to the NY Daily News. “I hit the girl, jumped into my car and pulled off.”

Huh? How does that even make sense?

The entire story doesn’t sound right. From Rosas attack for no reason to Fuller punching the smaller woman’s lights out, we smell something afoul.

At any rate, Fuller was arrested and released on $100k bail.

Fuller already has a rap sheet for assault and drug charges. That certainly doesn’t help. His reasoning for hitting Rosas was out of instinct and reflexes. It’s just ridiculous. To hear Fuller justify his actions is outlandish. He was wrong. Dead wrong.

Meanwhile, Rosas is fighting for her life at Bellevue Hospital, where doctors removed part of her skull to keep her brain from swelling.

Andreas Hale is the founder and editor-in-chief of, a Website described as Spike TV mixed with MTV and a dash of Bill Maher. TWV is the home for intelligent perspectives on music, sports, politics, women and so much more. You can also follow Andreas on Twitter.