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7 Ways to Get a Guy to Kiss You

By | Love + Sex – Tue, May 15, 2012 5:01 PM EDT

Want him to kiss you? Here’s how to get him to go for it.So, you’ve been going out for a while now. You’re really feeling this guy and you can tell there’s a mutual attraction. The vibes … my God, the vibes. He drops you off at your door, smiles that little smile, says he had a great time and leaves. No kiss. Ugh!

Is it your breath? Do you have a cold sore? Well … why won’t he kiss you?

It all depends upon the makeup of your guy. Some men are shy, awkward little devils. They can be so shy, in fact, that they have to be lured in to kissing you, while others are macho and bold and will kiss you on the first date.

You could have a shy soul who wants to kiss you, but is awkward in the skills department. Not to worry, there are always ways to get a guy to kiss you. But before we begin, make sure your lips are kissable. There is nothing as uninviting as cracked, crusty lips. And make certain you’re not wearing bright red lipstick. While it may be fashion-forward, he doesn’t necessarily want to drown his lips in it.

So, here we go. Find out how to get a guy to kiss you using the following methods:

1. Touch him throughout your conversation. Don’t place your hand on his knee and start rubbing it. That is so obvious. But, do touch him ever so slightly now and then on his arm or touch his hands from time to time. Create a warm, cozy intimate atmosphere for the two of you.

2. Lean in and smile. But, of course, not justany kind of smile. We’re talking about a “come hither” smile; the kind that invites a man in with your mouth and eyes in synchronicity. While your mouth curls ever so slightly, your eyes speak volumes like, “I want to feel those soft, puffy little pillows on mine.” Sounds corny, I know … but it works.

3. Hold your head to the side in rapt attention and stare straight at his lips. Then, go back to his eyes. Don’t go overboard on this, like some desperate lech. Just do it naturally. Unless this guy is an intergalactic space alien, he’ll know what you’re doing and why.

4. Drop hints. Those awkward, geeky types are sometimes clueless. It’s sad, but true, given the fact that most of the guys we see in the media are these cool, masculine studs who know how to romance a woman like crazy. That’s the media, and unfortunately, most guys just aren’t like that and can sometimes feel rather inadequate when it comes to the romantic side of a relationship.

5. Work it into a conversation. Ask him what he likes about you. He’ll say blah, blah, blah, whatever he likes about you. When he asks what you like about him, tell him his lips and how soft they look. Say it with the warmest of smiles. First of all, he’ll be flattered and next he’ll probably blush and hopefully let you test that out.

6. “I’m so cold.” Still no kiss? Then try the old stand-by – you are just so cold. Rub your arms up and down as though you have shivers, which should prompt him to either wrap his arms around you or offer you his jacket, if he’s wearing one. If he does neither, move closer to him while still rubbing your arms.

7. Take initiative. Finally, if this guy still hasn’t kissed you, turn the tables and kiss him. Don’t jump on top of him and devour him like some blood-starved vampiress. Just lean in quietly and give him a nice smooch. Draw back and keep talking, as though kissing him was the most natural thing to do at that time.

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