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By Molly Triffin

1. Pro: It’s a Good Chance to Sexperiment

Hookups give you an opportunity to explore what gets you hot before you meet The One. Ultimately, knowing what you need to be satisfied will help you make sure your sexual needs are met once you’re ready to be monogamous. What’s more, a 2011 University of Ottawa study found that having one-night stands later help a person make better decisions in an LTR.

2. Con: You Might Want More

Sure, you go into it with the intention of being no-strings-attached…but despite your best efforts, you could still end up falling for the guy. When you sleep with someone, your body releases oxytocin, a hormone that naturally makes you want to bond with whomever you’re with. Since that’s pretty much off the table when you have a one-nighter, you could end up feeling disappointed afterward.

3. Pro: You’ll Become a Sex Genius

Practice makes perfect, and you’ll learn all kinds of things from sleeping with a variety of men.

4. Con: Intimacy Is Nonexistent

Frequent casual sex can stall you from getting into a serious relationship, and feed a commitment-phobic mindset. If you make it a habit, you might miss out on meeting the right man for you-along with all the great parts of an LTR, like feeling super connected to one person, knowing your guy is always there for you, and building a life together.

5. Pro: You’ll Feel Freer Between the Sheets

Because there’s zero pressure or expectations with a fling, you’ll be liberated to do things you might normally not. It’s an opportunity to reinvent yourself in bed-becoming more dominant if you tended to act passive in the past, kinky if you’re usually pretty vanilla, and sexually empowered if you’re not used to being clear about your desires.

6. Con: There’s an Element of Danger

One-night stands are practically synonymous with drinking, and if your judgment is cloudy, you could end up in an unsafe situation, or doing something you’ll later regret. Definitely lay off the vodka sodas if you’re on the prowl.

7. Pro: It’s Drama-Free

No anxiety over whether he’s going to call, who has the upper hand, or what it really meant to him. Phew. Without all those messy emotions involved, you can enjoy sex for sex, plain and simple.

8. Con: Your Health Could Be at Risk

We know you’re smart about using protection, but still, the more partners you have, the greater your risk of contracting an STD. Plus, a rando dude has no reason to be honest about his sexual history, so even if you ask whether he’s been tested, you can’t trust his response.

9. Pro: You Can Have Selfish Orgasms

Since you’re not with a man you love, you don’t have to worry about pleasing him and can indulge in purely self-serving sex instead. Take charge: Tell him how you want to be touched (or just touch yourself), describe exactly what you want him to do to you, and focus solely on getting yourself off.

10. Con: Walk of Shame. ‘Nuff Said.

Rather than enjoying post-booty cappuccinos and croissants at the French café down the street, you’ll most likely be strolling home in a mini and stilettos at eight in the morning.

11. Pro: It’s Less Work Than a Relationship

Let’s face it: Boyfriends, while awesome in many ways, are also pretty damn time-consuming. Flings are infinitely more convenient if you have a crazy-busy life or demanding job-you can score sexual satisfaction when it works for your schedule.

12. Con: You Might Regret It

A 2008 study from Durham University in the UK found that only about half of women experienced positive feelings after a one-night stand, compared to 80 percent of men. Hookups are best as a conscious choice, rather than a spontaneous act.

13. Pro: Your Ego Gets a Boost

Not only is it always nice to feel desired, but it can increase your arousal even more.

14. Con: It Can Transport You Back to Ex-Land

Having a fling to help you bounce back from a breakup might have the opposite effect. Compared to the intimacy of sex with someone you care for, a one-time escapade can indeed, as Channing said, seem empty…which can lead you to dwell on your former relationship.

15. Pro: You’ll Have More Juicy Tales Than Anastasia Steele

Whether you spill them to your friends or just keep them to yourself, it makes your history more interesting…and provides you with fantasy material that can last a lifetime.

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