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I love and appreciate my right to privacy as much as any American does. But I also love and appreciate efforts to secure our nation from terrorism.

I’m talking, of course, about the news that the National Security Agency’s need to collect telephone records of millions of U.S. citizens. Republicans are upset, but they aren’t the only ones. A lot of people feel violated and are worried that this is another move toward America becoming a police state. Even Sybil reminded me that when the Bush Administration was accused of spying on Americans, we were irate then and we should be now.

But I have a different take on it. No big surprise there, right?

We’re fighting a brand new kind of terrorism. The enemy may not be a country or even a group. Now as the last few incidents of terror have shown us, our enemy can be anyone, anywhere. So, all bets are off and all is fair—well, almost all.

My point is the world has drastically changed since 9/11 and we’ve had to get used to a lot of things we never thought we’d be able to do. Like strange TSA workers practically getting  to second base with me at the airports. That’s  not fun at all, but I’ll take it because I know that they’re looking out for the greater good of all of us. I also would think people who love guns would be willing to sacrifice whatever they need to for stricter gun control laws.

TMI: Government Snooping Scandal Should Be a Wake-Up Call For Us All  was originally published on

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