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04/09/14 –

Dear Tom,

I am sending you this letter in hopes that you will pick my sister Benita Green for a Christmas wish.   Our mother had 10 children with Benita being the oldest.   Twenty-five years ago, Benita made a commitment to our mother to help her care for our little sister, Shayla who is disabled with cerebral palsy, so she would not have to be in a nursing facility.

In 2007, our mother died suddenly leaving Benita to become a 24- hour mother and provide a home for Shayla.    She took over mother’s house payments, bought a handicapped van to transport her around and put her own career on the backburner.    In August of 2013, Benita became ill with heart issues and we all took to praying because she has been our rock that holds us together.

Tom, on April 29th, she will turn 50 years old.  She does not want a party; instead she wants to travel from North Carolina to New Jersey with Shayla in the van to visit her ailing father and his ill sister, because this could be the last chance to see them again.   My Christmas wish  for Benita is to ask your help covering the round-trip expense of gas for the van, their stay at a hotel while there and groceries for the family during the visit.  Without your assistance, Benita will not be able to go see family or celebrate her 50th the way she would like.

WEDNESDAY CHRISTMAS WISH: Bernita Green  was originally published on