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The Pros:

  1. Youthful Enthusiasm. Sometimes as you age, you feel you’ve already been there, done that and got the T-shirt. When you repeat those same experiences again with a younger guy going through them for the first time, you get the benefit of his enthusiasm. You will feel young again, which is one of the biggest reasons for dating younger.
  2. Refreshing Perspective. As you move through life, you develop belief systems based on your experiences. Sometimes they limit your point of view without you realizing it. When you spend time with someone younger, you gain access to his fresh perspective. He can open your eyes to see things in a new light and inspire and energize you. A youthful outlook can be very refreshing!

The Cons: 

  1. Generation Gap. If you are dating a man who is five years younger, that’s not such a big deal. But when the age span stretches to 10, 15 or 20 years, there can be significant differences that emerge. Just think about how he won’t know the music, TV or movies you grew up with. He won’t have the first-hand experience of the times and history you lived through. I’m talking about when President Kennedy was shot, the movie “Jaws” premiered, the TV show the Brady Bunch aired on Friday nights and the first time the Beatles were on the Ed Sullivan Show. These iconic moments in history and entertainment have great meaning for some. Every age group has their own memories. Not sharing the same frame of reference isn’t a problem for every couple in love, but it can become an issue. A lot depends on how much you draw upon these experiences in the present and how knowledgeable your date is of the past. I know couples who had trouble relating to each other outside the bedroom due to the generation gap and it caused them to part ways. Only you can decide how important it is to have shared history.
  2. Not Your Financial Peer. Usually, older people have had a longer career, which often means they are better compensated than a younger man would be. Just like men have been doing for eons, you may need to help foot the bill and take the lead at times when dating your younger guy, since you have more financial resources. If you are looking for an equal and expect a man to pay half for everything, dating down might not the right choice for you.

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